
Up-Charges, commonly referred to as adders and add-ons, are additional charges you may charge a customer in relation to a particular measure sheet item added to their estimate (e.g. charging an additional amount to add grids or tempered glass to a window).

Accessing Up-Charges

To access up-charges for a Measure Sheet Item, follow these Quick Steps:

  1. Tap on the Measure Sheet Item from your Measure Sheet
  2. A new screen will appear, displaying the Details of that item. This is where you can update the required quantity of the measure sheet item, along with any additional details.
  3. Tap the Up-Charges tab.
  4. From the Up-Charges tab, toggle ON or add a quantity to any upcharges you would like to add.
  5. As you add up-charges, you may be want or need to add additional details for each up-charge. Any item requiring additional details will be outlined in red. However, you can tap into any up-charge item to review the available up-charge fields.
  6. After adding all of the up-charges, tap Done.

Unavailable Up-Charges

Up-charges are being added to the measure sheet item, not the selected price guide option. In the event that an up-charge has been designated as unavailable for the selected price guide option, a warning message will appear, advising you that the price does not include any unavailable up-charges listed.

Prior to proceeding, confirm if you need to remove the up-charge or select a different price guide option that the up-charge is available for.

Updated on January 12, 2024

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