Document Placeholders

To link Price Guide information from the Estimate to a Contract, Proposal or other document, you can use the default placeholders listed below in the App Title, Contract Title, Note and Default Value fields of a Contract, Proposal or other documents line items.

You can use as many placeholders as you wish and in whatever order within the different values of a document. There are no limitations to how they are setup.

General Information

Placeholder Description
%date% The date inside of the application (12-31-16)
%stateLicense% State License of Company
%usersLicense% Users License Number
%usersName% Users First and Last Name
%usersNameFirst% Users First Name
%usersNameLast% Users Last Name
%usersPhone% Users Phone Number
%userEmail% Users Email Address
%userIdentifier% The user identifier used within the application
%selectedTotal% The selected total at the bottom of the Estimates tab
%selectedTotalWholeNumber% The selected total at the bottom of the Estimates tab rounded to the whole dollar
%selectedTotalName% The name of the total selected at the bottom of the Estimates tab
%randomNumber% An eight-digit random number
%randomNumber<number 1 - 10>% A random number between one and ten digits in length. Example: %randomNumber5% = 12345
%year% The current year
%day% The day of the date. Example: 21
%month% The current numeric representation of the month. Example: 09
%monthName% The name of the current month. Example: September
%monthNameAbbv% The name of the current month abbreviated. Example: Sep
%weekday% The written out day of the week. Example: Friday
%weekdayAbbv% Abbreviated day of the week. Example: Fri
%estimateName% The name of the saved estimate

Customer Information

Placeholder Description
%customerName% First and Last name of Customer
%customerNameFirst% First name of Customer
%customerNameLast% Last name of Customer
%customerSpouseName% First and Last name of Customer’s Spouse
%customerSpouseNameFirst% First name of Customer’s Spouse
%customerSpouseNameLast% Last name of Customer’s Spouse
%customerAddressFull% Street, City, State and Zip Code of Customer
%customerAddressLine1% Street Address of Customer
%customerAddressLine2% City State and Zip Code of Customer
%customerAddressState% State of Customer abbreviated
%customerAddressStateFull% State of Customer spelled out
%customerAddressCity% City of Customer
%customerAddressZip% Zip Code of Customer
%customerContacts% All Contacts of Customer (Phone and Emails)
%customerEmail% All Emails of Customer
%customerPhone% All Phone numbers of Customer

Measure Sheet Items

Placeholder Description
%category% The category of the added measure sheet item
%subCategory% The sub category of the added measure sheet item
%name% The name of the added measure sheet item
%quantity% The quantity entered of the added measure sheet item
%itemNote% The note of the added measure sheet item
%measurementType% The measurement type of the added measure sheet item
%tag% The user entered tag of the added measure sheet item
%drillDown1% The first drill down of the added measure sheet item
%drillDown<any number>% Any subsequent drill downs of the added measure sheet item

Selected Price Guide Option

Placeholder Description
%selectionBrand% The brand of the selected price guide option
%selectionName% The name of the selected price guide option
%selectedOption.<custom placeholder>% The replacement value for the specified custom placeholder of the selected price guide option.
%unitPrice% The unit price of the selected price guide item of the added measure sheet item including accessories
%unitPriceWholeNumber% The unit price of the selected price guide item of the added measure sheet item including accessories rounded to the whole dollar
%unitPriceWithoutAccessories% The unit price of the selected price guide item of the added measure sheet item excluding accessories
%totalPrice% The unit price of the selected price guide item of the added measure sheet item multiplied by the quantity
%totalPriceWholeNumber% The unit price of the selected price guide item of the added measure sheet item multiplied by the quantity rounded to the whole number
%totalPriceWithoutAccessories% The unit price of the selected price guide item of the added measure sheet item, without cost of added accessories, multiplied by the quantity
%totalPriceWithoutAccessoriesWholeNumber% The unit price of the selected price guide item of the added measure sheet item, without cost of added accessories, multiplied by the quantity rounded to the whole dollar
%accessoriesTotal% The total of all added accessories of the selected price guide item of the added measure sheet item
%accessoriesTotalWholeNumber% The total of all added accessories of the selected price guide item of the added measure sheet item rounded to the whole dollar

Other Price Guide Options

Placeholder Description
%option<index>.brand% The brand of the price guide option at the specified index (i.e. %option2.brand% would be replaced with the 2nd Price Guide Option’s brand)
%option<index>.name% The name of the price guide option at the specified index (i.e. would be replaced with the 2nd Price Guide Option’s name)
%option<index>.unitPrice% The price of the price guide option at the specified index (i.e. %option2.unitPrice% would be replaced with the 2nd Price Guide Option’s price)
%option<index>.unitPriceNoZero% The price of the price guide option at the specified index. If the price is $0.00, then the placeholder will be replaced with empty space.(i.e. %option2.unitPriceNoZero% would be replaced with the 2nd Price Guide Option’s price)
%option<index>.unitPriceWholeNumber% The price of the price guide option at the specified index rounded to the whole dollar (i.e. %option2.unitPriceWholeNumber% would be replaced with the 2nd Price Guide Option’s price rounded to the whole dollar)
%option<index>.unitPriceWholeNumberNoZero% The price of the price guide option at the specified index rounded to the whole dollar. If the price is $0.00, then the placeholder will be replaced with empty space. (i.e. %option2.unitPriceWholeNumberNoZero% would be replaced with the 2nd Price Guide Option’s price rounded to the whole dollar)
%option<index>.<custom placeholder>% The value of the custom placeholder for the Price Guide Option at the specified index.


To link Upcharge information from the Estimate to a document, you must first create an “Identifier” for the upcharge. You can do this by editing the upcharge and adding a unique name to the “Identifier” field.
Placeholder Description
%<identifier>.name% The name of the upcharge
%<identifier>.note% The note of the upcharge
%<identifier>.measurementType% The measurement Type of the upcharge
%<identifier>.quantity% The quantity of the added upcharge including 0
%<identifier>.quantityNoZero% The quantity of the added upcharge where 0 will be blank
%<identifier>.unitPrice% The unit price of the upcharge
%<identifier>.unitPriceNoZero% The unit price of the upcharge where 0 will be blank
%<identifier>.unitPriceWholeNumber% The unit price of the upcharge rounded to the whole dollar
%<identifier>.unitPriceWholeNumberNoZero% The unit price of the upcharge rounded to the whole dollar where 0 will be blank
%<identifier>.totalPrice% The total price of the upcharge (unit price x quantity)
%<identifier>.totalPriceNoZero% The total price of the upcharge (unit price x quantity) where 0 will be blank
%<identifier>.totalPriceWholeNumber% The total price of the upcharge (unit price x quantity) rounded to the whole dollar
%<identifier>.totalPriceWholeNumberNoZero% The total price of the upcharge (unit price x quantity) rounded to the whole dollar where 0 will be blank
%<identifier>.grandTotalPrice% The grand total of the upcharge (unit price x quantity x parent item quantity)
%<identifier>.grandTotalPriceNoZero% The grand total of the upcharge (unit price x quantity x parent item quantity) where 0 will be blank
%<identifier>.grandTotalPriceWholeNumber% The grand total of the upcharge (unit price x quantity x parent item quantity) rounded to the whole dollar
%<identifier>.grandTotalPriceWholeNumberNoZero% The grand total of the upcharge (unit price x quantity x parent item quantity) rounded to the whole dollar where 0 will be blank
%<identifier>.<any placeholder from additional details>% The entered values for any additional details added to the upcharge
%<identifier>.<any placeholder from custom placeholders>% The value from any custom placeholders of the upcharge


Placeholder Description
%package.<category identifier>.<package index>.name% The name of the package at the specified index (ie. will pull the name of the first package in the Roofing category)
%package.<category identifier>.<package index>.amount% The total price of the package at the specified index in plain text (ie. 15000)
%package.<category identifier>.<package index>.total% The total price of the package at the specified index in currency form (ie. $15,000)
%package.<category identifier>.<package index>.totalNoZero% The total price of the package at the specified index, where $0 will be replaced as blank
%package.<category identifier>.<package index>.totalWholeNumber% The total price of the package at the specified index rounded to the whole dollar
%package.<category identifier>.<package index>.totalWholeNumberZero% The total price of the package at the specified index rounded to the nearest zero
%package.<category identifier> The name of the selected package
%package.<category identifier>.selected.amount% The total price of the selected package in plain text (ie. 15000)
%package.<category identifier> The total price of the selected package in currency form (ie. $15,000)
%package.<category identifier>.selected.totalNoZero% The total price of the selected package, where $0 will be replaced as blank
%package.<category identifier>.selected.totalWholeNumber% The total price of the selected package rounded to the whole dollar
%package.<category identifier>.selected.totalWholeNumberNoZero% The total price of the selected package rounded to the nearest zero

Custom Products

Placeholder Description
%name% The name of the Custom Product
%itemNote% The description of the Custom Product
%quantity% The quantity of the Custom Product
%unitPrice% The unit price of the Custom Product
%totalPrice% The unit price of the Custom Product multiplied by the quantity

Selected Finance Option

Placeholder Description
%financeOptionCategory% The category of the selected finance option
%financeOptionBankName% The bank name of the selected finance option
%financeOptionName% The name of the selected finance option
%financeOptionDealerFee% The dealer fee of the selected finance option
%financeOptionInterestRate% The interest rate of the selected finance option
%financeOptionMinAmount% The minimum amount of the selected finance option
%financeOptionMaxAmount% The maximum amount of the selected finance option
%financeOptionPaymentMultiplier% The payment multiplier of the selected finance option
%financeOptionPlanCode% The plan code of the selected finance option
%financeOptionNumberOfPayments% The number of payments (term) of the selected finance option
%financeOptionDownPayment% The entered down payment for the selected finance option
%financeOptionDownPaymentNoZero% The entered down payment for the selected finance option where 0 will be blank


Placeholder Description
%proviaStatus% Order status
%proviaOrderSubTotal% Order subtotal
%proviaOrderTax% Order tax amount
%proviaOrderTotal% Order total with tax
%proviaOrderSellPrice% Order sell price
%proviaOrderSellPriceLabor% Order sell price labor
%proviaOrderSellPriceTax% Order sell price tax
%proviaModel% Item model
%proviaDescription% Item description
%proviaQuantity% Item quantity
%proviaTag% Item tag/location
%proviaComments% Item comments
%proviaItemSellPrice% Item Sell Price
%proviaUFactor% Item U Factor
%proviaSHGC% Item Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
%proviaVisibileTransmittance% Item Visible Transmittance – The amount of light in the visible portion of the spectrum that passes through
%proviaAirInfiltration% Item Air Infiltration Specifications
%proviaEnergyStar% Item Energy Star rating
%proviaCPD% Item CPD


Placeholder Description
%MSContactStreet% MarketSharp Contact Street Line 1
%MSContactStreet2% MarketSharp Contact Street Line 2
%MSContactCity% MarketSharp Contact City
%MSContactState% MarketSharp Contact State (Abbreviated)
%MSContactZip% MarketSharp Contact Zip Code


Placeholder Description
%LP_customerNumber% LeadPerfection Prospect ID


Placeholder Description
%greenskyApplicationId% GreenSky application ID
%greenskyApplicationStatus% GreenSky application status
%greenskyApplicationReferenceNumber% GreenSky Application Reference Number
%greenskyApplicationOfferPlanNumber% GreenSky offer plan number
%greenskyApplicationApprovedAmount% Approved Amount
%greenskyApplicationInterestRate% Interest Rate of approved loan
%greenskyApplicationTerm% Loan Term in months
%greenskyApplicationPayment% Monthly payment amount
%greenskyApplicationPromotionEndDate% Promotion End Date
%greenskyApplicationDisclosure% GreenSky loan application disclosure
Updated on March 15, 2024

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