
The Salesforce integration allows the following information to be exchanged with SalesPro:

  • Appointments
  • Documents
  • Credit Applications
  • Results

Quick Steps

  1. Activate the Salesforce integration.
  2. Configure Salesforce Query & Mapping
  3. Add Salesforce Login Credentials
  4. Configure Document routing rules.
  5. Configure Results routing rules.
  6. Configure Credit App Sending rules.

Activate the Salesforce Integration

To activate the Salesforce integration, you will need to enter your Salesforce Company ID to connect your Salesforce account with SalesPro.

  1. Go to Workflow > CRM and Appointments.
  2. Switch on the Salesforce switch.
  3. Select if it is Single Sign on or Multi User Sign On.
  4. Enter the Salesforce username and password.
  5. Enter the Security Token.

    You can retrieve your security token from Salesforce by clicking Setup in the top right-hand corner (usually by clicking your name) and typing Reset My Security Token into the Quick Find box. Once you reset your token, Salesforce will email the Security Token to the email associated with the Salesforce account.

Configure Salesforce Query & Mapping

Using SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language), SalesPro can retrieve appointment data from SalesPro. Data that is fetched from Salesforce can be mapped to fields within SalesPro.

improveit 360 subscribers can quickly setup a Salesforce Query by clicking the Setup for improveit 360 button. This default query can be used and modified, if desired, or a custom query can be written.

When creating Salesforce queries using SOQL, be sure to include essential customer appointment fields (e.g. name, address, phone number, email address, appointment date/time, and the record’s ID). To learn more about creating Salesforce queries, read Creating Custom Salesforce Queries.

  1. Go to Workflow > CRM and Appointments.
  2. Toggle the Salesforce toggle switch to ON.
  3. Create a Custom Salesforce Query or click the Setup for improveit 360 button.
  4. Add fields to map to fields within SalesPro.
    • Click the Add + button to add a new field to map from Salesforce to SalesPro.
    • Create a title you would like to give the field within the App Title.
    • Enter the API Name of the field from Salesforce. In order to map these fields to SalesPro, they need to be retrieved by including within your query.
    • Select the appropriate Salesforce Data Type.
    • Select the field within SalesPro that the field should be mapped to.
    • Designate whether or not you would like this field to be displayed within the Customer’s Appointment Notes.
  5. Click Save.

Add Salesforce Login Credentials

Individual User Credentials

If your SalesPro <> Salesforce integration will be configured with one user’s credentials, follow the instructions for Single Sign-On Setup)

In order for SalesPro to pull individual Sales Reps’ appointments you will need to add their Salesforce credentials to their individual user profiles.

  1. Go to Settings > Company > Users.
  2. Scroll down to the credentials section.
  3. Click the add button.
  4. Select Salesforce from Endpoint dropdown.
  5. Enter the user’s Salesforce Username and Password.

Single Sign-On Setup

Single Sign-On is used when SalesPro users will NOT have dedicated user licenses within Salesforce. This occurs when businesses are assigning appointments to sales reps through a lookup field, rather than an identified user (e.g. a custom Staff object record).

  1. Locate the unique record ID of each user’s record in Salesforce.

    If you created a custom Staff object within Salesforce, you would have the ability to create separate records for each sales rep. Within a custom Appointments object, you could then include a lookup field to search for a Staff record to assign and relate the appointment to.

    To find the unique record ID, open the user’s unique Staff record. In your browser’s address bar, you will see a URL at the top of the screen that includes an ID, such as …id=00123456ABCDEFG&…

    Copy everything between the id= and the &. In this example, you would use 00123456ABCDEFG as the unique identifier.

  2. Setup the Unique Identifier under Users.
    • Go to Settings > Company > Users.
    • Click on the Edit icon (pencil) under Action.
    • Enter the Unique Identifier for each user from Salesforce. This will allow you to customize your Custom Salesforce Query to only display appointments to the logged-in user. Read more about Creating Custom Salesforce Queries to learn how to develop a query with similar filtering conditions.

Configure Workflow & Routing Rules

Due to Salesforce’s API limits, files exceeding 36 MB are unable to be uploaded via routing rules and will need to be uploaded manually. For more information about Salesforce’s file size limits, please read Increase Maximum Attachment File Size for Notes and Attachments related list.

Document Routing Rules

SalesPro will upload any documents such as Contracts, Proposals, or Custom Documents sent from the SalesPro application to Salesforce. The following steps are for Contract Routing. The same steps apply to Proposal Routing or any other document type.

  1. Go to Workflow > Document Routing.
  2. Toggle the Salesforce toggle to “on”.
  3. Create a default file name by adding a File Name (e.g. %customerName% Contract %date%.pdf).
  4. Add Backup Recipients email addresses. In the event a document fails to upload to Salesforce, the app will send an email to all email addresses listed in Backup Recipients. This email will include the attachment that failed to upload to Salesforce, as well as the customer information and a brief description of why it failed to upload.

In the example below, the name of the document uses placeholders to pull in customer-specific information.

If the customer name was Larry Leap and the contract document was executed on 5/23/19, the name of the document attachment would read Larry Leap Contract 5/23/19. Read Document Placeholders for a list of placeholders.

Results Routing Rules

SalesPro allows Sales Reps to result an appointment in the App and have the results automatically updated in Salesforce. SalesPro will also generate a Results report with a summary of the estimate.

For improveit 360 subscribers:

The following information for results is typically configured to be updated with Results Routing rules:

– Lead Results: SalesPro will pull the Lead Result options entered in Salesforce for sales reps to select. (For Example: Demo Not Sold, Demo Maybe, etc..)

– Result Reasons: SalesPro will pull the Result reasons entered in Salesforce for sales reps to select. (For Example: Appointment Cancelled, Too Expensive, etc..)

  1. Go to Workflow > Results Routing.
  2. Toggle the Salesforce toggle to “on”
  3. Create a default file name by adding a File Name (e.g. %customerName% Results %date%.pdf).
  4. Add Backup Recipients email addresses. In the event a document fails to upload to Salesforce, the app will send an email to all email addresses listed in Backup Recipients. This email will include the attachment that failed to upload to Salesforce, as well as the customer information and a brief description of why it failed to upload.
  5. Enter a Note Title.
  6. Enter the Object Class Name. This is Salesforce Object ID the Results will be sent to. (i.e. i360__Appointment__c)

  7. In the No Sale section click Add once in each section, this will create 2 rows to push the results to Salesforce.
  8. Add a Standard Picker in the first row under No-Sale.
    1. Enter a Title. Example: Results or Lead Results.
    2. Change the Input Type to Standard Picker.
    3. Enter Picker Options. This will be a list of the different possible result reasons (I.e. Demo Not Sold, Too Expensive, Getting Other Estimates, etc..)
    4. Enter the Salesforce Object ID into the Salesforce Field (I.e. i360__Result__c)
    5. Toggle the Required switch to make this field required.
  9. Add a Standard Picker in the first row under Sale.
    1. Enter a Title. Example: Results or Lead Result.
    2. Change the Input Type to Standard Picker.
    3. Enter a Picker Option. This will only need one option generally of “Demo Sold”.
    4. Enter the Salesforce Object ID into the Salesforce Field (I.e. i360__Result__c)
    5. Toggle the Required switch to make this field required.

Credit App Sending Rules

SalesPro will upload any credit applications sent from the application to Salesforce.

  1. Go to Finance > Credit App Sending.
  2. Select Salesforce from the API drop-down menu.
  3. Add a Disclosure to appear to the customer when signing the credit application.
  4. Add a Password to protect the credit application. Only users with the password will be able to open the credit application.
  5. Create a default file name by adding a File Name.
  6. Add Backup Recipients email addresses. In the event a document fails to upload to Salesforce, the app will send an email to all email addresses listed in Backup Recipients. This email will include the attachment that failed to upload to Salesforce, as well as the customer information and a brief description of why it failed to upload.
Updated on January 29, 2024

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