Estimating Software

Most Accurate Estimating Software for Contractors

Prepare your sales team for success with the industry’s most accurate estimating software. Close more deals and widen your profit margins with precise and modern estimates that you can turn into proposals and signed contracts with just a few clicks.

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Leap Estimating software shown in tablet view

Improve Your Closing Rates Fast

Are you struggling to create consistent and professional estimates that lead to more sales? If so, see how Leap SalesPro streamlines the estimating process to prevent common paperwork errors. This saves everyone time and resonates with homeowners to win more jobs for your business.

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Margin control shown with Leap

Pricing and 
Margin Control

With pricing and margin control features, your sales team will never undersell a job or offer products that are out of stock or no longer available. Gain total control over your sales process and guarantee your sales team has up-to-date pricing and product information before every appointment!

Contract linking shown with Leap

Patented Dynamic Contract Linking

Not only can you generate the most accurate estimates in the industry, but you can create dynamic contracts in real time. Therefore, you can pull any information into a contract and have that information automatically populate without having to map or edit fields each time. 

Ready to Improve Your Estimates with Leap SalesPro?

Leap SalesPro is the most accurate sales tool, anywhere! Ready to see for yourself? 

Estimating Software Built for Effortless Sales

Generating estimates and presenting your proposals to homeowners can be a painful process if you don’t have the right systems and processes in place. For that reason, you need estimating software with the right features to do the heavy lifting for your sales team. With Leap SalesPro, you can focus on selling the job instead of digging through old product samples and paperwork.

Appointment Scheduling

Precise Estimating

Materials Lists and Ordering 

Offline Access 

Good, Better, Best Pricing 

Proposals and Dynamic Contracts 

Resource Library 

Partner Integrations 

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Estimating software with Leap

Appointment Scheduling

Estimate software is a game-changer for contractors when it comes to appointment scheduling. Traditional methods of scheduling appointments, such as phone calls and manual entries, can be time-consuming and prone to errors. That’s why new technology automates this process and prevents double-booking issues that often lead to missed deals. 

Leap SalesPro allows you to book appointments directly within the sales software. Moreover, you can also automate reminders and notifications can be sent to homeowners. This reduces no-shows and last-minute cancellations. By optimizing the scheduling process, you can save valuable time and improve overall customer satisfaction. 

Good, Better, Best Pricing

Good, better, best pricing is a powerful strategy that allows you to offer tiered options to customers. In general, this helps to cater to different budget levels and preferences. Leap SalesPro enhances this approach by giving you the ability to create and present these pricing tiers seamlessly in your estimates and proposals. 

By leveraging the good, better, best pricing capabilities, you can effectively communicate value and pricing to homeowners. In fact, it’s the best way to meet diverse customer needs and maximize project profitability in the process. 

Pinpoint Estimate Accuracy

One of the most significant benefits of Leap SalesPro is its ability to provide pinpoint estimate accuracy. It’s clear that accurate estimates are crucial for winning bids, maintaining profitability, and ensuring customer satisfaction. Our estimating software uses advanced algorithms and historical data to calculate precise costs for labor, materials, and other project expenses. 

You can input detailed project information, and the software will calculate pricing that reflects the true cost of the project. This level of accuracy helps contractors avoid underbidding or overbidding, both of which can have negative financial implications. By providing reliable estimates, you can build trust with customers, improve the chances of winning contracts, and maintain healthy profit margins. 

Appealing Proposals

Creating appealing and professional proposals can go a long way to securing new jobs. Leap SalesPro offers customizable templates that allows you to generate polished proposals quickly. These templates can include detailed project descriptions, itemized cost breakdowns, timelines, and other relevant information or branding. 

An appealing proposal provides customers with a clear understanding of the project scope and costs while showcasing your professionalism and attention to detail. Therefore, the ability to generate digital proposals speeds up the sales process and enhances the customer experience. Furthermore, you can easily update and revise proposals as needed to always have the most current and accurate information.

Dynamic Contracts and Digital Signatures

Leap SalesPro allows you to create, store, and manage contracts digitally. This eliminates the need for physical paperwork and reduces the risk of lost documents. In addition, it makes it easier to organize and retrieve contracts when needed. 

Customers can sign contracts electronically, speeding up the approval process to get the job underway. Digital signatures are legally binding and provide a secure way to finalize agreements without the need for an in-person meeting. This is particularly beneficial in today’s fast-paced world, where convenience and efficiency are everything. 

Unique Resource Library 

A unique resource library is a valuable feature that can significantly benefit your business. This library can include various resources such case studies, photos, and other sales collateral. You can access this library on the go to quickly find the information you need during an appointment. 

Having a centralized repository of resources ensures consistency and accuracy across your sales journey. Additionally, you can update the library as needed to reflect changes or additions to your sales and marketing materials. 

Offline Access

Contractors often work in locations where internet access is limited or unavailable. Estimating software with offline access capabilities ensures that you can continue to create and manage estimates even without an internet connection. And with Leap SalesPro, there’s no Wi-Fi needed! 

This feature allows contractors to work on estimates, proposals, and other project documents while on-site or in remote areas. Once an internet connection is available, the software can sync the data automatically to ensure that everything is up to date. Offline access is a one-of-a-kind feature that gives you the flexibility to work from anywhere. 

Powerful Integrations 

Integrations with other essential tools and platforms are just as important as the software itself. Specifically, you need a solution that provides further value and integrates with your current systems and processes. 

Leap SalesPro provides partner integrations with various tools such as imaging technology, financing lenders, marketing solutions, measurement tools, manufacturers, and more. These integrations ensure that all parts of your business are connected and working in harmony to improve productivity and reduce administrative overhead. Furthermore, the ability to integrate with various tools and platforms makes Leap SalesPro a more versatile and powerful solution for contractors. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

As you begin to grow your business and take on more jobs, you want software that doesn’t lag behind. Leap SalesPro serves home improvement companies of all sizes as you grow with more users and best-in-class integrations. 

You can purchase Leap SalesPro starting at $297 per month with the premium plan. This includes three users, but you can add more users for an additional $99 per month, per new user. For more details, visit our pricing page

Yes, the Leap SalesPro team provides fully customized onboarding to get your entire staff up to speed with the software. Additionally, Leap provides dedicated Pro Services and Customer Success teams to ensure you’re getting the most out of Leap SalesPro’s features and integrations. 

Believe it or not, there aren’t many in-home sales apps available on the market for contractors today. Leap SalesPro is a one-of-a-kind estimating software that outmatches the competition with fully dynamic contracts, materials ordering, resource libraries, offline capabilities, and good, better, best pricing options.