Adobt. Adapt. Advance. The Digital Era is Now!
It may take time for business to return to normal but when it does, there will be pent-up demand from consumers. Businesses who took the time to get ready and be prepared will thrive.
Here are some ways you can prepare for the comeback and meet new consumer expectations:
Join us on Thursday, April 9th at 2 pm EST!
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Customer’s Point of view on in-home sales presentations will be different.
- Customers will be less open to in-house sales calls and will want more work to be done digitally.
- The gap between owner-operator or large business perception will shrink if the sales representative brings in technology and shows more professionalism in giving the customer a better experience. Technology can quickly put a small operation on the same playing field as a larger company.
- More millennials are also becoming homeowners and do not believe in contractors collecting information on paper. Credit cards are by far the preferred method of payment. Make sure you are prepared to accept electronic payments using a secure payment method.
Pat Fingles, Leap’s CEO, will be breaking these solutions down and elaborating on how industry experts have used these tactics to overcome previous economic downturns.
Join us on Thursday, April 9th at 2 pm EST!
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