Boost Conversions with Lead Management Automation for Contractors

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Corey Mann

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Boost Conversions with Lead Management Automation for Contractors

Managing leads more effectively has become a major focus for contractors in the home improvement industry. In fact, many businesses are turning to lead management automation to become more efficient and improve conversion rates.

Is your business struggling to handle leads in a timely manner? Are you losing out on potential revenue due to organization and lead management? If so, you may want to consider customer relationship management (CRM) software to enhance your operations.

Leap provides lead management automation for contractors.

How Can Lead Management Automation Help You?

New technology is helping contractors better understand every step of the customer journey. And as a result, it’s become clear that many leads are left behind or missed altogether. This is leaving money on the table and giving competitors the opportunity to beat you.

So, do you have a process in place to manage your leads as they come in? Moreover, where are your leads coming from and how do they convert into sales?

This is vital information that can help you shape your business and grow in the future. Lead management automation can help you understand what is working to bring in prospects and what isn’t. In addition, it can help you perfect the flow of information within your business so that no lead falls through the cracks.

According to MarketVeep, 63% of companies take more than an hour to respond to an inbound lead or never respond at all. Furthermore, a lead is 2,100% more likely to become qualified if you reach out within the first five minutes in comparison to 30 minutes.

In today’s difficult market, your timeliness and effort can be the difference between a job sold or lost opportunity. Homeowners are more protective over their wallets right now due to high inflation and economic uncertainty. Therefore, leads can be hard to come by and you must make each one count.

“You need to have a mindset shift. You need to treat each lead as if it’s the last one you’re ever going to get,” said Tony Adams, Vice President of Partnerships at Hatch, during a recent webinar with the Certified Contractors Network (CCN). “How quickly are you getting in touch with them? How quickly are you responding? Are you listening to what their needs are and making sure you are meeting them at their level?”

Homeowners are informed. They know what they want, the relative costs, and they’ve done their research before reaching out to your company. Now it’s your job to manage this lead correctly and focus on selling the job. With lead management automation, you can do just that.

“Handling leads properly is going to be the biggest differentiator between success in 2023,” Adams noted during his talk with Gary Cohen of CCN.

Is Market Uncertainty Affecting Your Leads?

During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, home improvement projects were on the rise and leads were flying through the door. Consequently, contractors weren’t struggling to fill their calendars with jobs and many leads were overlooked.

Now the market is in a downturn and it’s forcing homeowners to be more cautious with their spending. However, lead management automation is helping contractors to make the most of each lead as it comes in. The market is changing, and the best companies are adopting new technology to ensure they aren’t left behind.

“Even though it’s fewer leads, you’re going to see more conversions happen,” Adams added. “You can still have the same level of business in 2023 as you did previously. You’re just going to have to put in a little more work with each lead.”

This all starts with recognizing and organizing leads as they come in. Additionally, having the right people and processes in place to manage these leads and convert them into sales.

Manage Your Leads with Leap

Home improvement contractors need to put a focus on how they measure success. And without the right technology and data, you may never fully understand where your business succeeds or fails.

This has become a major topic within the industry due to the recent changes in the market. And one thing is certain, a transition to sales and CRM software is well underway.

The Leap platform provides lead management automation that can help you tackle each inbound lead before it’s too late. Every lead pulls directly into the software, as well as all customer communications.

You can then send each lead to the sales software as you work with homeowners at the kitchen table. And all the information you gather on a sales call can be sent back to the Leap platform and organized in one easy-to-use application.

This creates a seamless flow of customer information that you can track and analyze. It also eliminates common paper errors and protects your business from missing leads.

Better yet, Leap works with many of the biggest names in the home improvement industry. Our partners include leading manufacturers, measurement tools, financing providers, and much more.

Implementing a tech stack into your contracting business will guide you through the current market and make your business stronger. To learn more about the Leap platform, fill out the form below and schedule a quick, 15-minute demo with one of our software experts. Never leave an inbound lead behind with the right processes in place and lead management automation.

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