Without technology, a sales call can get complicated and time-consuming. If you are in any home improvement vertical and have multiple products, your salespeople may be struggling with multiple contracts, filing paperwork, and then driving back to the office to submit the paperwork. Once the contracts are vetted and then processed, it’s likely that a few days have passed since the visit. The most horrifying feeling that we have heard is for a salesperson to have to go back to the homeowner if a mistake has been made and caught in production.
In the past few months, you have been hearing from leaders in roofing, windows, siding, and other verticals. For this talk, we have invited one of our customers Ryan Bolin, the sales leader at Ohio’s #1 dependable basement waterproofing and foundation repair company – The Basement Doctor.
In this talk, Ryan will give detailed processes his team follows and the top 6 ways that they have benefited by using technology. If you have multiple lines of business, this will give you pointers no matter the size of your business.
Meet the Speaker:

Sales Leader
at The Basement Doctor
Ryan has been with the Basement Doctor for 8 years. He started his career here as a project manager and is now a sales leader with a team of nine. He is a previous owner to a few businesses, one of which was a water restoration company that focused on disaster recovery. As a Sales Leader, Ryan loves to guide, support, train, and mentor his team. Watching his project managers learn and grow, while embedding themselves into the fabric of the company and community gives him great pride and motivates him to do his best. He believes that listening to his customers provides him the ability to serve them in the best way possible.
About Leap
Leap is transforming the home services industry as the first complete point-of-sale application, digitizing every stage of the in-home sales process including estimating, financing, contracting, and real-time communication. Created by veteran home services professionals, Leap’s application helps businesses eliminate errors and increase efficiency by simplifying and automating the day-to-day sales process. To learn more, fill out the form below.
[leap_form url=’https://go.leaptodigital.com/l/492601/2020-05-29/3g4ydq’]
This blog post reflects the opinions of the author and may or may not reflect the opinion of Leap (Leaptodigital.com).