Strategies to Help You Come Out Ahead
Contractors are dealing with a lot of confusion right now, trying to navigate the current economy and decide how to best manage the situation. Although it is very tempting to dramatically cut costs in the short term, studies on previous recessions have shown that companies that go on the offensive and take this time to evaluate their business processes and make a plan for when the economy bounces back have a better survival rate once the tides turn.
Patrick Fingles, CEO of Leap with nearly 20 years of experience in the home remodeling industry, has spoken with many successful contractors who have survived previous recessions about their game plan and what has worked in the past. Register to listen in this Thursday, April 9th at 2pm EDT, as we discuss these findings and hear Patrick’s thoughts on how best to prepare for the great comeback.
Here’s a sneak peek of the key points Patrick will be discussing on overcoming the current situation:
Join us on Thursday, April 9th at 2 pm EST!
Click below to register – you definitely don’t want to miss this!
About the Speaker:

Patrick Fingles is the CEO of the Leap and has been a leader in the home improvement industry for nearly two decades. He has led the development and execution of a $30M, nationally recognized award-winning home improvement company as well as a fast-growing multi-million dollar software company catering to the home services space. Responsible for the overall strategic and cultural vision of the organization, he embodies the concept of Leap being built for the industry by the industry.